Studentergården is one of the oldest dormitories in Copenhagen, built in 1922-1923. The first residents moved in on September 1st 1923 and on October 15th same year the dormitory was declared open by King Christian the 10th. In 1923 the dormitory was built outside of the moats of Copenhagen.
Today Studentergården houses 130 students on 11 different corridors organized around their own communal kitchen. There is also an “efor” and a “portner” living at Studentergården. Respectively, these are an administrative head of the dormitory and a person in charge of the daily maintenance of the building.
The dormitory as well as each corridor has a number of traditions, many dating more than 50 years back. On this page, you will find information about the dormitory, how it is to live alongside 129 other students, how to apply, and what requirements there are to an applicant.
There are two annual application deadlines, on March 1st and October 1st. It is further possible to sublet a room for a shorter period of time. You can read more about this under Admission.

Open House event
“Åben Gård” is an evening event introducing the dormitory for potential applicants and it is held every six months, where you can come by, hear about Studentergården and get a piece of cake and a glass of port wine. Our next open house event will be held on February 17th 2025 at 20:00 – a few weeks before the next application deadline on March 1st 2025. You can read more about the event here. You can sign up for the event by sending an email to older@studentergaarden.dk, so we know how much cake to bake. NOTE: As we receive a lot of registrations, confirmation emails will not be sent out on your registration! BUT: we look forward to meeting you!
PS: remember to read more about the event via the link above. You can apply for a place at Studentergården, even if you did not have the opportunity to participate in our open house event.