Residents at Studentergården in general put in a lot of time on social activities at the dormitory. The residents take turns on cooking dinner for each other on all days from Sunday to Thursday, and often enjoy spending time with each other during the week as well as in the weekends. There are a number of events during the year, such as a mandatory workday, the yearly ball, a summer party, and a Lucia event in December.
Studentergården is a dormitory based on a committed community, where the residents actively participate in the dormitory’s activities and in the community based life that makes its clear mark on everyday life – cinema club, choir, traditional parties, football teams, French evenings, whist club and sports feuds. There are always various projects going on, such as building/renovating common rooms according to the residents’ own ideas. Living at Studentergården is not just having a roof over your head, it is a lifestyle with commitment, the opportunity for insight into other studies and of course cosiness and partying. Each hall consists of 10-13 rooms of 12-27 square meters and has a shared kitchen, shower and toilet. All hallways have a well-functioning dinner club. At most times, it is expected that one cooks for the dinner club 2-3 times a month.
Social clubs and activities
At Studentergården, there are a number of social clubs that keep track of the dormitory from basement to attic. The existing clubs stem from a wide palette of interests and ideas. Whether you are into sports, language or feature films, there is a selection you can be a part of.
The year at Studentergården
At Studentergården, there is a long tradition of throwing a number of annual parties and events. For these events, songs are sung that are written by residents about the spirit and history of Studentergården.
Our “Fastelavnsfest” in February is organized by the new residents who have moved in throughout the last year. It is a great way for new residents to becombe acquainted with each other and the rest of the residents. There is also a friendly competition between the corridors for the best costumes fitting the overall theme. Every six months, “Gårddag” is held (April and November). This day is our general assembly and is the highest authority of the residents. Each resident can present his or her opinion here both before the day in the form of contributions and during the actual debate on Gårddag. Each resident has one vote. On Gårddagen, the board, Gårdstyret, communicates its last six months’ work to the rest of the residents. Likewise, Gårddagen sets out the general lines for the next six months’ work. On Gårddagen, the representatives are elected to the board (older, finance, order, funding and net masters and deputies). They are all elected for one year at a time. The finance and funding masters are elected in the spring, while the older, order and net masters are elected in the autumn, so that the board constantly consists of both experienced and new members. In addition, various officials are elected for one year at a time. “Gårdfejden” is held in the spring and in its simplicity means that the corridors have a friendly competition against each other in various untraditional disciplines.

Our newcomer event is held twice a year, where the new residents eat at the efor residence and receibe information about Studentergården’s administrative conditions, social clubs, and facilities. Our annual summer party, “Kastanjefesten“, takes place in late June in the yard under the chestnut trees (if the weather allows it). When we arrive at New Years eve, the residents who are at home throw a New Year’s party. Early in the morning of December 13th, a number of residents walk Santa Lucia throughout the dorm, and all gather for communal breakfast in the banquet hall.

On “Store Bededag“, Gårdstyret arranges a joint trip to Kastellet. On this day, the residents put on their old student hats. After the trip to Kastellet, the residents return home to Studentergården, where hot wheats and bingo await in the banquet hall. During the summer, the famous Tennis Tournament takes place. DBTN (An abbriviation of the Danish phrase “Det bliver til noget”) is the name of Studentergården’s annual one-day summer festival. Here, the residents and invited friends enjoy music from near and far in the courtyard, and the residents also have the opportunity to showcase their own talents.

The grand annual party is thrown on a Saturday in November and celebrates the dormitory and its long history and traditions. Former residents as well as 25- and 50-year-jubilees are invited to the party. During the year – but not during the exam periods – the corridors take turns hosting Open House parties, where they invite friends and acquaintances from outside the dormitory as well as the rest of the residents to a party in their corridor- preferably with a theme.